To our Wonderful Lakeside Familes,
If you have visited our office recently, you will see that our waiting room is still closed, however our office is open and running full steam ahead!
Since opening back up, we are continuing to take extra measures and precautions to ensure that we are taking every step possible to keep our Lakeside Pediatric Dentistry Families and Employees safe and healthy. Due to keeping in office numbers down, we kindly ask that just the child(ren) with the appointment(s) and one parent or guardian enter the building. Face masks are NOT required for the patients, but ARE required for the parent or guardian. Once your family enters our office, a no- touch temperature will be taken and hand sanitizer will be provided. You will be asked upon arrival, if you, your child, or a member of your household has been exposed to COVID 19 and/or had any symptoms in the past two weeks. If you have any changes to your account; address, phone number, dental insurance – please call us prior to your appointment to update if possible. If welcoming a new family to our office, we ask that you kindly arrive 10 mins prior to your appointment and we will bring the New Patient Packet to your car unless completed online. Once registration and screening is complete, you and your child will then continue on to the clinical as normal! While we have continued to call and reschedule our families that we had missed during our time of shut down, if you have not yet had your appointment rescheduled, please feel free to call our office at any time and we will do our best to find a new time that would work best for you!
Please always feel free to contact us with any issues or concerns! We greatly thank all of our Lakeside Pediatric Families for their patience and understanding during these times! Stay Healthy and Keep on Brushing!
Dr. Phil & The Lakeside Team